COTW: Market Breadth

July 19, 2024COTW: Market Breadth

  • A handful of mega-cap technology companies are largely responsible for the S&P 500’s strong year-to-date returns of 16.3%. However, market participation has been historically narrow, with only 22% of S&P 500 members outperforming the broader index, a level well below the historical average of 52%.
  • Further, gains in the S&P 500 have been accompanied by historically low levels of volatility. The S&P 500 has not declined more than 2.05% for 400 consecutive trading days—the longest such period since before the Global Financial Crisis.
  • During this period, the number of S&P 500 members outperforming the broader index was at an all-time high of 77.5%. Based on this metric, current market breadth is at the worst levels since at least 1990.


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