We assist with all aspects of alternative and private market investing, including sourcing, due diligence, asset allocation targets, and service provider checks.
What are the relevant investment factors and risks of an alternative investment? How are these unique considerations interrelated and how may they harmonize to determine investment success? We perform deep-dive due diligence on public and private market alternative investments across global equity, fixed income, credit and real asset markets.
How important are the operational or back-office aspects of an illiquid investment that requires capital to be wired to a third party? In an increasingly complex world, we believe investment and operational due diligence are inextricably linked and should be performed in concert. We incorporate comprehensive operational reviews in all alternative investment due diligence and help our clients identify and monitor those variables in real time.
How do alternative investments fit into a portfolio? Is there a role for alternatives in portfolios that embrace efficient market theory and premium harvesting? While alternative investments should be viewed relative to low-cost equivalents and in light of their true all-in costs, including the implicit costs of illiquidity, we believe that thoughtfully integrated allocations to alternative markets and strategies can improve risk-adjusted returns and the client experience.
What are the most crucial investment and operational factors for an alternative investment? Which of these factors should remain consistent and which should be allowed to evolve as a successful manager grows and scales? We provide ongoing monitoring for alternative allocations with an eye on the most salient factors that may alter the managers ability to deliver on their alpha thesis.
What is the most effective way to evaluate the performance of a manager in an esoteric alternative asset class with few true peers? We maintain and constantly refresh curated peer groups of high-quality managers across dozens of alternative asset class and strategy categories and leverage them for initial due diligence as well as ongoing monitoring.
What is the most effective approach to investing in way that addresses social and environmental challenges? We vet investment opportunities across a range of impact categories — including renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, community development, micro finance, health, and education —spanning public and private markets, active approaches, and rules-based strategies.