3Q, 2022 Asset Class Return Quilts

3Q 2022 SpringTide Asset Class Return Quilts 2

Gold and Taxable Bonds remained the best performing asset classes year to date. U.S. Large Cap Stocks continued to rally from the March 23 bear market lows, while U.S. Small Cap stocks lagged.

COTW: IPOs Have Left Many Speechless This Year

COTW 20.12.14

Airbnb CEO and Co-Founder, Brian Chesky, was left speechless on Bloomberg TV last week after hearing the opening price of his company’s IPO for the first time. It was a reaction shared by many investors this year when observing the performance of IPOs.

COTW: Small Cap Stocks Playing Catch-up

COTW 20.11.30

While small cap stocks (as measured by the Russell 2000 Index) have lagged large cap stocks (as measured by the S&P 500 Index) year to date, the gap narrowed in November after small cap outperformed large cap by 9.3% (as of November 29). 

COTW: Here We Go Again

COTW 20.11.23

Reminiscent of late 2017-early 2018, risk assets are rallying into year end and bitcoin is leading the charge as it nears its December 17, 2017 high of $19,041.

3Q, 2020 Asset Class Return Quilts

3Q 2020 Asset Class Return Quilts

Gold and Taxable Bonds remained the best performing asset classes year to date. U.S. Large Cap Stocks continued to rally from the March 23 bear market lows, while U.S. Small Cap stocks lagged.

2Q, 2020 Asset Class Return Quilts

2Q 2020 Asset Class Return Quilts 1

Gold and Taxable bonds remained on top, adding to their Q1 performance. U.S. Large Cap Stocks rallied 17.4% in Q2, narrowing the year-to-date loss to 2.8%.

1Q, 2020 Asset Class Return Quilts

1Q 2020 SpringTide Asset Class Return Quilts

Gold, Taxable Bonds, and Cash finished the quarter on top and were the only asset class to post positive gains. U.S. Large Cap Stocks fell 20.2% in Q1, 2020.

COTW: Venture Capital Washout

COTW 20.03.16

According to data from Bloomberg, Venture Capital activity is down 22% since the start of the year. However, that activity had already slowed dramatically prior to the COVID-19 crisis intensifying as the index reached an all time high in June of 2019 and is now d own 52%

COTW: Travel to Hong Kong Has Come to a Halt

COTW 20.02.18

As official estimates of the number of new coronavirus cases each day slows, hopeful eyes are watching for improvement in the news coming out of Mainland China as well as those countries most impacted by restrictions on travel and trade related to the virus…

WindRock Roundtable: What’s Next in 2018?

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In December we participated in a roundtable discussion with Rick Rule, John Mauldin and Chris Casey that was hosted by Brett Rentmeester of WindRock Wealth Management. With WindRock’s permission we are sharing the conversation in its entirety. The topics covered included the dollar, emerging markets, Treasury supply, North Korea and cryptocurrencies.  We think many of the comments are as relevant today as they were several weeks ago.